In 2002, MICROSIS ELEKTRONİK VE YAZILIM, which started its activities under the roof of TÜRKEŞ ELEKTRİK, has meticulously analyzed the developments in the energy sector, determined the needs of the sector and acted accordingly. In order to provide the best service to its customers, it has combined the meters produced by domestic and foreign meter companies with the Automatic Meter Reading System (OSOS) developed by using GPRS, Ethernet and PSTN communication channels.
In the following years, upon the intensification of demands in OSOS projects, it separated its production and software activities from TÜRKEŞ ELEKTRİK and established MİCROSİS ELEKTRONİK VE YAZILIM SAN. VE TİC.LTD. ŞTİ in 2010. In order to provide fast and effective solutions to the needs in the sector, it develops both hardware and software locally and nationally with its experienced R&D team. Since 2016, it has maintained its leading position in the sector with the solutions it has developed especially with prepaid and communication products.
As of today, it reads over 350,000 electricity meters in Turkey and abroad with its remote reading system. In this way, it offers consumers and businesses the opportunity to monitor and manage their energy. In addition to these reading and management systems, it continues to make a difference in the sector with the payment systems it has developed.
Discover the future of energy with us!